Dave is an an Army brat and retired from the Air Force in 2006 and is now working as an AF civilian. Debbie works in real estate for a local firm. We both enjoy the outdoors and being 'tree-huggers' as we have been called. As tree-huggers, we enjoy feeding 'our' herd of backyard deer and their friends the squirrels, birds, foxes, possums, and raccoons. Between us we have seven kids and eleven grand-kids spread out from Virginia to Texas, to Idaho to Washington.
Well, I'm sitting here INSIDE since it is about 105 degrees OUTSIDE right now (and supposed to be hotter tomorrow). I did spend a little time outside this morning watering getting read for the roaster that was to come today ... and it hasn't disappointed. I did the yardwork on Wednesday (much cooler to do after work) so I am yardwork-free this weekend. But, we have done our usual landscaping this year (although at a lower scale).
While Debbie took off to Wyoming for a week-long visit to Jared and the grand-kids, I took off down to Jonesboro over the 4th of July weekend. The weather was hot hot hot .... did I mention that it was hot? Take my word for it - it was a roaster in Jonesboro. Drove down on Friday before the 4th and headed back on Monday with an overnight stop in Evans (Augusta) at Kenneth's and Barbara's.